
Product description

Zpane is a free management tool for Hosting, which allows complete control of reseller accounts. It provides a wide range of features and options, such as database management, domain management, email management, web analytics and file management users.

More about ZPanel.

Create virtual machine for ZPanel

To create an instance for ZPanel recommend using a Linux environment (Ubuntu or CentOS) because they are safe, robust and coupled with the needs of ZPanel systems. In this manual we will use Ubuntu LTS.

Install ZPanel

  • Install an Ubuntu virtual machine.
  • Once you have created the virtual machine and installed the operating system, running on the console command as root:
#wget https://raw.github.com/zpanel/installers/master/install/Ubuntu-12_04/10_1_1.sh
  • Assign execute permissions to the script downloaded:
# chmod +x 10_1_1.sh 
  • Run it:
# ./10_1_1.sh 
  • Press 'y' to continue.

  • Select the timeZone.

  • Enter the sub-domain for zpanel, for example zpanel.midominio.com
  • The field of external IP leave it blank and press 'y'

  • The script installs all required packages.
  • This process may take a few minutes.

  • At the end, take note of the generated passwords and reboot the server.

Create Web access

When the ZPanel system has been installed, you must create an HTTP server and a virtual Host to have public access to it. Please follow the procedure for each manual.

The system is accessible.

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